We love what we do

For a better whole. With enjoyment.

Every vintage is different. Of course it is - in every sense: We work closely with nature, adapt to its specifications, pick up on its strengths and chisel them out - in wine and in life.


We have been organic winemakers at heart for a long time, and officially since 2016: We manage our vineyards ORGANIC! Because it matters how the wine is made and who pays the price for it.

Of course, as organic winemakers we also protect our plants - just differently. We support natural forces to keep the vines strong and healthy. Plants, living beings, cross-generational knowledge and the hand of the winemaker that touches the ground – all of this makes a better whole. With pleasure.

Cradle of Austrian wine culture

Soil and climate make distinctive wines

Welcome to the cradle of Austrian wine culture! Here in the Wagram wine-region You will find fine white wines full of character and red wines that are easy to drink and rich in content - thanks to a geological feature: the land that makes the wine is a mighty step on the banks of the original Danube, visible from afar. The unique soil of Ice Aged „Löss“ and the Panonnian climate create aromatic wines - delicate, creamy and distinctive. Enjoy it!

History and Generations

How we pass on values ​​and knowledge

The world's oldest known wine press is around 7,000 years old - wine needs history, tradition and people who pass on values, knowledge and skills from one generation of winemakers to the next. The family has run our winery for three generations.